# CanvasContext
canvas Component's drawing context. CanvasContext Is the old interface, new edition Canvas 2D Interface and Web Consistent.
# attribute
# string|CanvasGradient fillStyle
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Fill the color. Use the same CanvasContext.setFillStyle()。
# string|CanvasGradient strokeStyle
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Border color. Use the same CanvasContext.setStrokeStyle()。
# number shadowOffsetX
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Horizontal offset of shadow relative to shape
# number shadowOffsetY
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
The vertical deviation of the shadow from the shape
# number shadowColor
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Color of Shadows
# number shadowBlur
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Blur level of shadow
# number lineWidth
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
The width of the line. Use the same CanvasContext.setLineWidth()。
# string lineCap
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
The endpoint style of the line. Use the same CanvasContext.setLineCap()。
# string lineJoin
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Intersection style of lines. Use the same CanvasContext.setLineJoin()。
lineJoin Legal value
value | Introductions | Minimum version |
order | bevel | |
round | Fillet | |
miter | Cusp |
# number MitterLimit
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Max miter length. Use the same CanvasContext.setMiterLimit()。
# number lineDashOffset
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Dashed offset, initial value 0
# string font
Start from base library version 1.9.90. Please remaining backward compatible.
Properties of the current font style. accord with CSS font grammar of DOMString A string that requires, at a minimum, the font size and font family name. Default value is 10px sans-serif。
# number globalAlpha
Global brush transparency. range 0-1,0 For complete transparency, 1 Indicates complete opacity.
# string globalCompositeOperation
The type of composition operation applied when drawing a new shape. The current Android version is only available fill
Fill block synthesis for stroke
The synthetic effect of the segments is source-over
Currently supported operations are
- Android: xor, source-over, source-atop, destination-out, lighter, overlay, darken, lighten, hard-light
- iOS:xor, source-over, source-atop, destination-over, destination-out, lighter, multiply, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion, saturation, luminosity
# method
# CanvasContext.draw(boolean reserve, function callback)
Draws a description (path, deformation, style) previously in the drawing context to canvas In.
# CanvasGradient CanvasContext.createLinearGradient(number x0, number y0, number x1, number y1)
Creates a linear gradient color. ReturnedCanvasGradient
The object needs to use the CanvasGradient.addColorStop() To specify gradient points, you need at least two.
# CanvasGradient CanvasContext.createCircularGradient(number x, number and number r)
Create a circular gradient color. The starting point is in the center of the circle and the ending point is the circle. ReturnedCanvasGradient
The object needs to use the CanvasGradient.addColorStop() To specify gradient points, you need at least two.
# CanvasContext.createPattern(string image, string repetition)
A method that creates a pattern for a specified image, repeating a meta image in a specified direction
# Object CanvasContext.measureText(string text)
Measure text size information. Currently only the text width is returned. Synchronization interface.
# CanvasContext.save()
Save the drawing context.
# CanvasContext.restore()
Restores a previously saved drawing context.
# CanvasContext.beginPath()
Start creating a path. Need to call fill
or stroke
Will use the path to fill or stroke
- At the very beginning, it's a call to
。 - Multiple times in the same path.
The last setting shall prevail.
# CanvasContext.moveTo(number x, number and)
Moves the path to the specified point on the canvas without creating a line. use stroke
Method to draw lines
# CanvasContext.lineTo(number x, number and)
Adds a new point, and then creates a line from the last specified point to the target point. use stroke
Method to draw lines
# CanvasContext.quadraticCurveTo(number cpx, number cpy, number x, number and)
Creates a quadratic Bezier curve path. The starting point of a curve is the previous point in the path.
# [CanvasContext. bezierCurveTo(number cp1x, number cp1y, number cp2x, number cp2y, number x, number and)]((CanvasContext. bezierCurveTo))
Create a cubic bezier curve path. The starting point of a curve is the previous point in the path.
# CanvasContext.arc(number x, number and number r, number strap number eAngle, boolean counterclockwise)
Create an arc.
- Create a circle that specifies the starting radian as 0, terminating radians 2 * Math.PI。
- use
Method to come incanvas
Draw an arc in.
# CanvasContext.rect(number x, number and number width, number height)
Creates a rectangular path. Need fill
or stroke
Method draws the rectangle to the canvas
# CanvasContext.arcTo(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, number radius)
Draws arc paths based on control points and radius.
# CanvasContext.Clip()
Cut arbitrary shapes and sizes from the original canvas. Once a region is clipped, all subsequent drawings are restricted to the region being clipped (no access to other regions of the canvas). Can be used clip
Method by using save
Method to save the current canvas area and at any later time pass therestore
Method to restore it.
# CanvasContext.fillRect(number x, number and number width, number height)
Fills a rectangle. use setFillStyle
Set the fill color for the rectangle. If not set, the default is black.
# CanvasContext.strokeRect(number x, number and number width, number height)
Draw a rectangle(Unfilled)。 use setStrokeStyle
Sets the color of the rectangular line. If not set, the default is black.
# CanvasContext.clearRect(number x, number and number width, number height)
Clears the contents of the canvas inside the rectangular area
# CanvasContext.fill()
Populates the contents of the current path. The default fill color is black.
# CanvasContext.stroke()
Draws a border for the current path. The default color is black.
# CanvasContext.closePath()
Close a path. Will connect the beginning and the end. If the path is closed and not called fill
or stroke
And opens a new path where the previous path will not be rendered.
# CanvasContext.scale(number scaleWidth, number scaleHeight)
After the call, the following paths are created with their ordinate and abscissa scaling. Multiple calls multiply.
# CanvasContext.rotate(number rotate)
Rotate the current axis clockwise from the origin. The rotation angles of multiple invocations stack up. The origin can be used translate
Method modification.
# CanvasContext.translate(number x, number and)
For the origin of the current coordinate system (0, 0) Transform. The default coordinate origin is the upper-left corner of the page.
# CanvasContext.drawImage(string imageResource, number sx, number His number sWidth, number sHeight, number dx, number Two number dWidth, number dHeight)
Draw Image to Canvas
# CanvasContext.strokeText(string text, number x, number and number maxWidth)
Given (x, and) A Method of Text Stroke for Position Drawing
# 初始值(number scaleX, number skewX, number skewY, number scaleY, number translateX, number translateY)
Method for Overlaying the Current Transformation Multiple Times Using Matrices
# CanvasContext.setTransform(number scaleX, number skewX, number skewY, number scaleY, number translateX, number translateY)
Method for resetting (overwriting) the current transformation using a matrix
# CanvasContext.setFillStyle(string|CanvasGradient color)
Set the fill color.
# CanvasContext.setStrokeStyle(string|CanvasGradient color)
Set stroke color.
# CanvasContext.setShadow(number offsetX, number offsetY, number blur, string color)
Set the shadow style.
# CanvasContext.setGlobalAlpha(number alpha)
Sets global brush transparency.
# CanvasContext.setLineWidth(number lineWidth)
Set the width of the line
# CanvasContext.setLineJoin(string lineJoin)
Set the intersection style of the line
# CanvasContext.setLineCap(string lineCap)
Set the endpoint style of a line
# CanvasContext.setLineDash(Array.<number> pattern, number offset)
Sets the dashed line style.
# CanvasContext.setMiterLimit(number MitterLimit)
Sets the maximum miter length. Miter length refers to the distance between the inner and outer corners where two lines meet. when CanvasContext.setLineJoin() for miter Only when it's effective. If the maximum inclined length is exceeded, the connection will be lineJoin for order To display.
# CanvasContext.fillText(string text, number x, number and number maxWidth)
Draws filled text on canvas
# CanvasContext.setFontSize(number fontSize)
Set font size
# CanvasContext.setTextAlign(string align)
Set text alignment
# CanvasContext.setTextBaseline(string textBaseline)
Set the vertical alignment of text