# wx.addPhoneRepeatCalendar(Object object)

Start from base library version 2.15.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

with Promise style call: Supported

Mini Program plugin: Not supported

Add Recurring Events to the System Calendar

# parameter

# Object object

attribute type Default values Required Introductions
title string yes Calendar Event Title
startTime number yes Start time unix timestamp (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970)
allDay boolean no All day event, default false
description string no Event explaination
location string no Event location
endTime string no End time unix Timestamp, the default is the same as the start time
alarm boolean no Whether to remind, default true
alarmOffset number no Reminder lead, unit seconds, default 0 Indicates a start reminder
repeatInterval string no Repeat cycle, default month Monthly repeat
repeatEndTime number no End time of repetition unix Time stamp, no fill means repeat
success function no Interface calls the successful callback function
fail function no Interface calls failed callback functions
complete function no Callback function at the end of an interface call (both successful and unsuccessful calls are executed)