# AudioBuffer.copyFromChannel()
with Promise style call: Not supported
Mini Program plugin: Not supported
Copies from the specified channel of AudioBuffer to the array terminal.
# sample code
sample code
const audioCtx = wx.createWebAudioContext
const audioBuffer = audioCtx.createFromAudioFile({
filePath:'/pages/res/bgm.mp3', // Static resources
const channels = audioBuffer.numberOfChannels
const anotherArray = new Float32Array(frameCount)
const rate = audioBuffer.sampleRate
const startOffSet = 0
const endOffset = rate * 3
const newAudioBuffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(channels,endOffset - startOffset,rate)
const offset = 0
for (let channel = 0 channel < channels channel++) {
audioBuffer.copyFromChannel(anotherArray, channel, startOffset)
newAudioBuffer.copyToChannel(anotherArray, channel, offset)