Following annotation Cloud Call Interface can be used withWeChat Cloud DevelopmentServer Free Direct Launch via Cloud FunctionsCloud Call

# Basics

Name Function explaination
wx.env Environmental variables
wx.canIUse Determine whether the Mini Program's APIs, callbacks, parameters, components, etc are available in the current version
wx.base64ToArrayBuffer will Base64 String ArrayBuffer object
wx.arrayBufferToBase64 will ArrayBuffer Object converted to Base64 Character string

# system

Name Function explaination
wx.getSystemInfoSync wx.getSystemInfo The synchronous version of
wx.getSystemInfoAsync Asynchronous access system information
wx.getSystemInfo Access to system information

# To update

Name Function explaination
wx.updateWeChatApp Update the client version
wx.getUpdateManager ObtainGlobally uniqueVersion Update Manager for managing Mini Program updates

# UpdateManager

Name Function explaination
UpdateManager.applyUpdate Force the Mini Program to restart and use the new version
UpdateManager.onCheckForUpdate Monitor the WeChat background request to check the update results event
UpdateManager.onUpdateFailed Listen for Mini Programs update failure event
UpdateManager.onUpdateReady Listening Mini Program has version update events

# Mini Program

# Life cycle

Name Function explaination
wx.getLaunchOptionsSync Get the parameters of the Mini Program startup
wx.getEnterOptionsSync Get the parameters at the start of the Mini Program

# Application-level event

Name Function explaination
wx.onUnhandledRejection Listening for unhandled Promise Reject event
wx.onThemeChange Monitor system theme change event
wx.onPageNotFound There are no events on the page to be opened by the listening Mini Program
wx.onError Listening for Mini Program error events
wx.onAudioInterruptionEnd Listen to Audio Interrupt End Event
wx.onAudioInterruptionBegin Listen for audio was interrupted due to system occupancy
wx.onAppShow Listen to Mini Program cut foreground event
wx.onAppHide Listen to Mini Program cut background event
wx.offUnhandledRejection Unlisten unprocessed Promise Reject event
wx.offThemeChange Unlisten System Theme Change Event
wx.offPageNotFound The page to be opened by the unlisten Mini Program does not have an event
wx.offError Cancel listening Mini Program error event
wx.offAudioInterruptionEnd Cancel Listening Audio Interrupt End Event
wx.offAudioInterruptionBegin Cancel listening audio is interrupted due to system occupation Start event
wx.offAppShow Cancel the monitor Mini Program to cut the foreground event
wx.offAppHide Cancel listening Mini Program to cut background event

# debugging

Name Function explaination
wx.setEnableDebug Set whether to turn on the debug switch
wx.getRealtimeLogManager Get the real-time log manager object
wx.getLogManager Get the log manager object

# LogManager

Name Function explaination
LogManager.debug write debug journal write info journal
LogManager.log write log journal
LogManager.warn write warn journal

# RealtimeLogManager

Name Function explaination
RealtimeLogManager.addFilterMsg Add filter keywords, temporarily not supported in plugin use
RealtimeLogManager.error write error Logging is not supported in plugins
RealtimeLogManager.getCurrentState Real-time logs aggregate cached logs for a certain time interval, and if the cached content exceeds the limit, it is discarded Set the page where the real-time log page parameter is located, temporarily do not support the use of write info Logging is not supported in plugins
RealtimeLogManager.setFilterMsg Set filter keywords, temporarily do not support the use of
RealtimeLogManager.tag Gets an instance of the log manager for the given tag, currently supported only in plug-ins using the
RealtimeLogManager.warn write warn Logging is not supported in plugins

# RealtimeTagLogManager

Name Function explaination
RealtimeTagLogManager.addFilterMsg Add filter keywords
RealtimeTagLogManager.error write error journal write info journal
RealtimeTagLogManager.setFilterMsg Set filter keywords
RealtimeTagLogManager.warn write warn journal

# performance

Name Function explaination
wx.reportPerformance Mini Program speed reporting
wx.getPerformance Get information about the current Mini Program performance

# EntryList

Name Function explaination
EntryList.getEntries This method returns all performance data in the current list
EntryList.getEntriesByName Gets all the names in the current list [name] And the type is [entryType] Performance data
EntryList.getEntriesByType Gets all the types in the current list [entryType] Performance data

# Performance

Name Function explaination
Performance.createObserver Create a global performance event listener
Performance.getEntries This method returns all the performance data in the current buffer
Performance.getEntriesByName Gets all names in the current buffer as [name] And the type is [entryType] Performance data
Performance.getEntriesByType Gets all of the types in the current buffer [entryType] Performance data
Performance.setBufferSize Set the buffer size, Default buffer 30 Bar Performance Data

# PerformanceObserver

Name Function explaination
PerformanceObserver.disconnect Stop listening.
PerformanceObserver.observe Start listening.

# encryption

Name Function explaination
wx.getUserCryptoManager Get user encryption module

# UserCryptoManager

Name Function explaination
UserCryptoManager.getLatestUserKey Get the latest user encryption key
UserCryptoManager.getRandomValues Get cryptographic secure random numbers

# routing

Name Function explaination
wx.switchTab Jump to tabBar Page, and close all other non - tabBar page
wx.reLaunch Close all pages and open to a page in the app
wx.redirectTo Close the current page and jump to a page in the app
wx.navigateTo Keep the current page and jump to a page within the app
wx.navigateBack Close the current page and return to the previous page or multilevel page

# EventChannel

Name Function explaination
EventChannel.emit Trigger an event Unlisten an event
EventChannel.on Continuously monitoring an event
EventChannel.once Monitor an event once, trigger and fail

# Jump

Name Function explaination
wx.navigateToMiniProgram Open another little program
wx.navigateBackMiniProgram Return to previous Mini Program
wx.exitMiniProgram Exit current Mini Program

# Forward

Name Function explaination
wx.updateShareMenu Update Forwarding Properties
wx.showShareMenu Display the forward on for the current page
wx.showShareImageMenu Open the pop-up window to share pictures, you can send pictures to friends, collection or download
wx.shareVideoMessage Forward video to chat
wx.shareFileMessage Forward file to chat
wx.onCopyUrl Listen to the user click on the upper right menuCopy linkEvent triggered when on
wx.offCopyUrl Unlisten to the user click on the upper right menuCopy linkEvent triggered when on
wx.hideShareMenu Hide the forward on for the current page
wx.getShareInfo Get forwarding details
wx.authPrivateMessage Authenticate Private Messages

# interface

# interactive

Name Function explaination
wx.showToast Display Message Prompt Box
wx.showModal Display modal dialog box
wx.showLoading display loading Prompt box
wx.showActionSheet Display Action Menu
wx.hideToast Hide message prompt box
wx.hideLoading hide loading Prompt box
wx.enableAlertBeforeUnload Open the Mini Program page to return to the inquiry dialog
wx.disableAlertBeforeUnload Close the Mini Program page and return to the query dialog
Name Function explaination
wx.showNavigationBarLoading Show navigation bar loading animation on current page
wx.setNavigationBarTitle Dynamically set the title of the current page
wx.setNavigationBarColor Set the page navigation bar color
wx.hideNavigationBarLoading Hide navigation bar on current page Load animation
wx.hideHomeButton Hide back home on

# background

Name Function explaination
wx.setBackgroundTextStyle Dynamically set drop-down background font, loading Style of Graph
wx.setBackgroundColor Dynamically set the background color of the window

# Tab Bar

Name Function explaination
wx.showTabBarRedDot display tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item
wx.showTabBar display tabBar
wx.setTabBarStyle Dynamic settings tabBar Overall style
wx.setTabBarItem Dynamic settings tabBar The content of an item,2.7.0 Image support temporary files and network files
wx.setTabBarBadge for tabBar Add text to the top right corner of an item
wx.removeTabBarBadge to remove tabBar Text in the upper-right corner of an item
wx.hideTabBarRedDot hide tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item
wx.hideTabBar hide tabBar

# Typeface

Name Function explaination
wx.loadFontFace Dynamic loading network font, file address needs to be download type
Name Function explaination
wx.stopPullDownRefresh Stop current page drop-down refresh
wx.startPullDownRefresh Start Drop Down Refresh

# Roll

Name Function explaination
wx.pageScrollTo Scroll the page to the target location, support selection and scrolling distance positioning in two ways

# ScrollViewContext

Name Function explaination
ScrollViewContext.scrollIntoView Scroll to specified position
ScrollViewContext.scrollTo Scroll to specified position

# animation

Name Function explaination
wx.createAnimation Create an animation instance animation

# Animation

Name Function explaination
Animation.backgroundColor Set the background color
Animation.bottom Set up bottom value
Animation.export Export Animation Queue
Animation.height Set Height
Animation.left Set up left value
Animation.matrix with transform-function matrix
Animation.matrix3d with transform-function matrix3d
Animation.opacity Set Transparency
Animation.right Set up right value
Animation.rotate Rotate one angle clockwise from the origin
Animation.rotate3d from fixed The axis rotates one angle clockwise
Animation.rotateX from X The axis rotates one angle clockwise
Animation.rotateY from And The axis rotates one angle clockwise
Animation.rotateZ from With The axis rotates one angle clockwise
Animation.scale scaling
Animation.scale3d scaling
Animation.scaleX scaling X axis
Animation.scaleY scaling And axis
Animation.scaleZ scaling With axis
Animation.skew Yes X、Y Tilt the axis
Animation.skewX Yes X Tilt the axis
Animation.skewY Yes And Tilt the axis
Animation.step Indicates that a set of animations is complete Set up top value
Animation.translate Translation transformation
Animation.translate3d Yes xyz Coordinate translation
Animation.translateX Yes X Axial translation
Animation.translateY Yes And Axial translation
Animation.translateZ Yes With Axial translation
Animation.width Set the width

# to sticky

Name Function explaination
wx.setTopBarText Dynamically set the top column text content

# Custom components

Name Function explaination
wx.nextTick Delay a part of an operation to the next time slice
Name Function explaination
wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect Get layout location information for the menu on (capsule on in the upper right corner)

# window

Name Function explaination
wx.setWindowSize To set the window size, this interface applies only to PC Platform, please refer to the guide for details
wx.onWindowResize Listen for window size changes
wx.offWindowResize Cancel listening window size change event

# network

# Initiate request

Name Function explaination
wx.request initiate HTTPS Network request

# RequestTask

Name Function explaination
RequestTask.abort Interrupt request task
RequestTask.offHeadersReceived Cancel the wiretap. HTTP Response Header event
RequestTask.onHeadersReceived to monitor HTTP Response Header event

# to download

Name Function explaination
wx.downloadFile Download file resources locally

# DownloadTask

Name Function explaination
DownloadTask.abort Interrupt Download Task
DownloadTask.offHeadersReceived Cancel the wiretap. HTTP Response Header event
DownloadTask.offProgressUpdate Cancel listening for download schedule change events
DownloadTask.onHeadersReceived to monitor HTTP Response Header event
DownloadTask.onProgressUpdate Listen for changes in download progress

# upload

Name Function explaination
wx.uploadFile Upload local resources to the server

# UploadTask

Name Function explaination
UploadTask.abort Interrupt upload task
UploadTask.offHeadersReceived Cancel the wiretap. HTTP Response Header event
UploadTask.offProgressUpdate Cancel listening upload progress change event
UploadTask.onHeadersReceived to monitor HTTP Response Header event
UploadTask.onProgressUpdate Monitor upload progress changes

# WebSocket

Name Function explaination
wx.sendSocketMessage adopt WebSocket Connect to send data
wx.onSocketOpen to monitor WebSocket Connection Open Event
wx.onSocketMessage to monitor WebSocket Message event received from server
wx.onSocketError to monitor WebSocket Error event
wx.onSocketClose to monitor WebSocket Connection Closure Event
wx.connectSocket Create a WebSocket Connect
wx.closeSocket Stop WebSocket Connect

# SocketTask

Name Function explaination
SocketTask.close Stop WebSocket Connect
SocketTask.onClose to monitor WebSocket Connection Closure Event
SocketTask.onError to monitor WebSocket Error event
SocketTask.onMessage to monitor WebSocket Message event received from server
SocketTask.onOpen to monitor WebSocket Connection Open Event
SocketTask.send adopt WebSocket Connect to send data

# mDNS

Name Function explaination
wx.stopLocalServiceDiscovery Stop searching. mDNS service
wx.startLocalServiceDiscovery Start searching the LAN. mDNS service
wx.onLocalServiceResolveFail to monitor mDNS Event of service resolution failure
wx.onLocalServiceLost to monitor mDNS Event of service departure
wx.onLocalServiceFound to monitor mDNS Events discovered by services
wx.onLocalServiceDiscoveryStop to monitor mDNS Event where the service stopped searching
wx.offLocalServiceResolveFail Cancel the wiretap. mDNS Event of service resolution failure
wx.offLocalServiceLost Cancel the wiretap. mDNS Event of service departure
wx.offLocalServiceFound Cancel the wiretap. mDNS Events discovered by services
wx.offLocalServiceDiscoveryStop Cancel the wiretap. mDNS Event where the service stopped searching

# TCP Signal communication

Name Function explaination
wx.createTCPSocket Create a TCP Socket Example

# TCPSocket

Name Function explaination
TCPSocket.close Close the connection
TCPSocket.connect Start a connection on the given socket
TCPSocket.offClose Once we cancel the wiretap socket Full shutdown sends out the event
TCPSocket.offConnect Cancel the wiretap when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established
TCPSocket.offError Cancel Listen Triggered when an error occurs
TCPSocket.offMessage Cancels listening to trigger this event when data is received
TCPSocket.onClose Once the wire is tapped, socket Full shutdown sends out the event
TCPSocket.onConnect Listen in when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established
TCPSocket.onError Listen is triggered when an error occurs
TCPSocket.onMessage Monitor triggers the event when data is received
TCPSocket.write in socket Send data on

# UDP Signal communication

Name Function explaination
wx.createUDPSocket Create a UDP Socket Example

# UDPSocket

Name Function explaination
UDPSocket.bind Bind a system randomly assigned available port or bind a specified port number
UDPSocket.close Stop UDP Socket Example, equivalent to destruction
UDPSocket.connect Preconnect to the specified IP and Port, you need to cooperate. write Methods used together
UDPSocket.offClose Unlisten Close Event
UDPSocket.offError Unlisten Error Event
UDPSocket.offListening The event that starts listening for packet messages
UDPSocket.offMessage Unlisten for events that receive messages
UDPSocket.onClose Listen Close Event
UDPSocket.onError Listen for error events
UDPSocket.onListening Listen to start listening for packet messages
UDPSocket.onMessage Listen to events that receive messages
UDPSocket.send To the specified IP and port Send message
UDPSocket.setTTL Set up IP_TTL Socket option to set a IP Maximum number of hops allowed for packet transmission
UDPSocket.write Usage and send Method is the same if the connect With send No difference (note that even if the connect You also need to fill in the address and port parameters for this interface.

# payment

Name Function explaination
wx.requestPayment Initiate WeChat Pay
wx.requestOrderPayment Create a custom version of the transaction component order and initiate payment

# Data cache

Name Function explaination
wx.setStorageSync wx.setStorage The synchronous version of
wx.setStorage To store data in the local cache key in
wx.revokeBufferURL according to URL Destroying data in memory
wx.removeStorageSync wx.removeStorage The synchronous version of
wx.removeStorage Removes the specified item from the local cache key
wx.getStorageSync wx.getStorage The synchronous version of
wx.getStorageInfoSync wx.getStorageInfo The synchronous version of
wx.getStorageInfo Get information about the current storage asynchronously
wx.getStorage Gets the specified object asynchronously from the local cache key Content
wx.createBufferURL According to the incoming buffer Create a unique URL Stored in memory
wx.clearStorageSync wx.clearStorage The synchronous version of
wx.clearStorage Clean up the local data cache

# Periodic update

Name Function explaination
wx.setBackgroundFetchToken Set the custom login state, in the periodic pull data, to facilitate third-party server verification request legitimacy
wx.onBackgroundFetchData Monitor received. backgroundFetch Callback at data time
wx.getBackgroundFetchToken Get the custom login state you set
wx.getBackgroundFetchData Pull backgroundFetch Client cache data

# Data analysis

Name Function explaination
wx.reportMonitor Custom service data monitoring and reporting interface
wx.reportEvent Incident reporting
wx.reportAnalytics Custom Analysis Data Reporting Interface
wx.getExptInfoSync Given the experimental parameter array, get the corresponding experimental parameter values

# canvas

Name Function explaination
wx.createOffscreenCanvas Create Off Screen canvas Example
wx.createCanvasContext create canvas Drawing context CanvasContext object
wx.canvasToTempFilePath Export the contents of the specified area of the current canvas to generate a specified size picture
wx.canvasPutImageData Drawing pixel data to canvas
wx.canvasGetImageData Obtain canvas Area Implied Pixel Data

# Canvas

Name Function explaination
Canvas.cancelAnimationFrame Cancel by requestAnimationFrame Animation Frame Request Added to Schedule
Canvas.createImage Create a picture object
Canvas.createImageData Create a ImageData object
Canvas.createPath2D create Path2D object
Canvas.getContext This method returns Canvas Drawing context
Canvas.requestAnimationFrame Execution on the next redraw
Canvas.toDataURL Object that contains a picture presentation data URI

# CanvasContext

Name Function explaination
CanvasContext.arc Create an arc
CanvasContext.arcTo Drawing arc paths based on control points and radius
CanvasContext.beginPath Start creating a path
CanvasContext.bezierCurveTo Create Cubic Bezier Curve Path
CanvasContext.clearRect Clears the contents of the canvas inside the rectangular area
CanvasContext.Clip Cut arbitrary shapes and sizes from the original canvas
CanvasContext.closePath Close a path
CanvasContext.createCircularGradient Create a circular gradient color
CanvasContext.createLinearGradient Create a linear gradient color
CanvasContext.createPattern A method that creates a pattern for a specified image, repeating a meta image in a specified direction
CanvasContext.draw Draws a description (path, deformation, style) previously in the drawing context to canvas in
CanvasContext.drawImage Draw Image to Canvas
CanvasContext.fill Populate the contents of the current path
CanvasContext.fillRect Fill a rectangle
CanvasContext.fillText Draws filled text on canvas
CanvasContext.lineTo Adds a new point and creates a line from the last specified point to the target point
CanvasContext.measureText Measuring text size information
CanvasContext.moveTo Move the path to the specified point in the canvas without creating a line
CanvasContext.quadraticCurveTo Create a quadratic Bezier path
CanvasContext.rect Create a rectangular path
CanvasContext.restore Restore previously saved drawing context
CanvasContext.rotate Rotate the current axis clockwise from the origin Save Drawing Context
CanvasContext.scale After the call, the path created later has its horizontal and vertical coordinates scaled
CanvasContext.setFillStyle Set Fill Color
CanvasContext.setFontSize Set font size
CanvasContext.setGlobalAlpha Set Global Brush Transparency
CanvasContext.setLineCap Set the endpoint style of a line
CanvasContext.setLineDash Set dashed line style
CanvasContext.setLineJoin Set the intersection style of the line
CanvasContext.setLineWidth Set the width of the line
CanvasContext.setMiterLimit Set maximum miter length
CanvasContext.setShadow Set Shadow Style
CanvasContext.setStrokeStyle Set stroke color
CanvasContext.setTextAlign Set text alignment
CanvasContext.setTextBaseline Set the vertical alignment of text
CanvasContext.setTransform Method for resetting (overwriting) the current transformation using a matrix
CanvasContext.stroke Draws the border of the current path
CanvasContext.strokeRect Draw a rectangle(Unfilled)
CanvasContext.strokeText Given (x, and) A Method of Text Stroke for Position Drawing
CanvasContext.transform Method for Overlaying the Current Transformation Multiple Times Using Matrices
CanvasContext.translate For the origin of the current coordinate system (0, 0) Transform

# CanvasGradient

Name Function explaination
CanvasGradient.addColorStop Add Color Gradient Points
Color colour
Image Picture object
ImageData ImageData object

# OffscreenCanvas

Name Function explaination
OffscreenCanvas.createImage Create a picture object
OffscreenCanvas.getContext This method returns OffscreenCanvas Drawing context
Path2D Canvas 2D API Interface Path2D To declare a path, which will later be defined by the Canvas Rendering Context2D Object usage
RenderingContext Canvas Drawing context

# Media

# map

Name Function explaination
wx.createMapContext create map context MapContext object

# MapContext

Name Function explaination
MapContext.addCustomLayer Add a personalized layer
MapContext.addGroundOverlay Create a custom image layer that will scale as the map scales
MapContext.addMarkers Add to marker
MapContext.fromScreenLocation Get the latitude and longitude corresponding to the point on the screen, the coordinate origin is the upper left corner of the map
MapContext.getCenterLocation Gets the latitude and longitude of the current map center
MapContext.getRegion Get the field of view of the current map
MapContext.getRotate Gets the rotation angle of the current map
MapContext.getScale Gets the zoom level of the current map
MapContext.getSkew Gets the tilt angle of the current map
MapContext.includePoints Zoom View shows all latitude and longitude
MapContext.initMarkerCluster Initializes the configuration of the point aggregation, using the default configuration when not called
MapContext.moveAlong Move along a specified path markerFor track playback and other scenarios
MapContext.moveToLocation To move the map center to the current anchor point, you need to set up a map component show-location For true
MapContext.on Listen to map event
MapContext.openMapApp Pull up the map app, select navigation
MapContext.removeCustomLayer Remove personalization layer
MapContext.removeGroundOverlay Remove custom image layer
MapContext.removeMarkers to remove marker
MapContext.setCenterOffset Set Map Center Point Offset, Back Down for Growth, Screen Scale Range(0.250.75)The default offset is[0.5, 0.5]
MapContext.setLocMarkerIcon Set anchor icon, support network path, local path, code package path
MapContext.toScreenLocation Get the screen coordinates of latitude and longitude, the origin of the coordinates is the upper left corner of the map
MapContext.translateMarker Translate marker with animation
MapContext.updateGroundOverlay Update custom picture layers

# picture

Name Function explaination
wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum Save pictures to system album
wx.previewMedia Preview pictures and videos
wx.previewImage Full screen preview image in new page
wx.getImageInfo Get picture information
wx.compressImage Compression image interface, optional compression quality
wx.chooseMessageFile Select a file from a client session
wx.chooseImage Select a picture from your local album or take a picture with your camera

# video

Name Function explaination
wx.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum Save Video to System Album
wx.openVideoEditor Open Video Editor
wx.getVideoInfo Get video details
wx.createVideoContext create video context VideoContext object
wx.compressVideo Compressed video interface
wx.chooseVideo Take a video or select a video from your phone album
wx.chooseMedia Take or select pictures or videos from your phone album

# VideoContext

Name Function explaination
VideoContext.exitBackgroundPlayback Exit background audio playback mode
VideoContext.exitFullScreen Exit Full Screen
VideoContext.exitPictureInPicture Exit window, which can be called on any page
VideoContext.hideStatusBar Hide the status bar, only available in full iOS screen
VideoContext.pause Pause video Play the video
VideoContext.playbackRate Set playback speed
VideoContext.requestBackgroundPlayback Enter background audio playback mode
VideoContext.requestFullScreen Enter full screen Jump to the specified location
VideoContext.sendDanmu Send barrage
VideoContext.showStatusBar Display status bar, valid for iOS full screen only
VideoContext.stop Stop the video

# audio frequency

Name Function explaination
wx.stopVoice End Play Voice
wx.setInnerAudioOption Set up InnerAudioContext Play Options
wx.playVoice Start playing the voice
wx.pauseVoice Pause a voice that is playing
wx.getAvailableAudioSources Get the currently supported audio input source
wx.createWebAudioContext create WebAudio context
wx.createMediaAudioPlayer Create Media Audio Player Object MediaAudioPlayer Object that can be used to play a video decoder VideoDecoder Audio output
wx.createInnerAudioContext Create inside audio context InnerAudioContext object
wx.createAudioContext create audio context AudioContext object

# AudioBuffer

Name Function explaination
AudioBuffer.copyFromChannel Copy from the specified channel of AudioBuffer to the array terminal
AudioBuffer.copyToChannel Specific channel from the specified array copy sample to audioBuffer
AudioBuffer.getChannelData Returns a Float32 Array contains PCM data with channels, defined by channel parameters (0 for first channel)

# AudioContext

Name Function explaination
AudioContext.pause Pause audio Play audio Jump to the specified location
AudioContext.setSrc Set the audio address

# InnerAudioContext

Name Function explaination
InnerAudioContext.destroy Destroy current instance
InnerAudioContext.offCanplay Event that cancels listening for audio entering playable state
InnerAudioContext.offEnded Unlisten for audio natural playback to the end of the event
InnerAudioContext.offError Unlisten Audio Playback Error Event
InnerAudioContext.offPause Unlisten Audio Pause Event
InnerAudioContext.offPlay Unlisten Audio Playback Event
InnerAudioContext.offSeeked Unlisten for an event that completes a jump operation with audio
InnerAudioContext.offSeeking Cancel listening audio jump operation event
InnerAudioContext.offStop Cancel listening audio stop event
InnerAudioContext.offTimeUpdate Unlisten audio playback progress update event
InnerAudioContext.offWaiting Unlistening for Audio Loading Events
InnerAudioContext.onCanplay Listen for events when audio enters playable state
InnerAudioContext.onEnded Listen to events where audio plays naturally to the end
InnerAudioContext.onError Listen for audio playback error events
InnerAudioContext.onPause Listening for audio pause events
InnerAudioContext.onPlay Listen for audio playback events
InnerAudioContext.onSeeked Listen for audio events to complete jump operations
InnerAudioContext.onSeeking Listen to audio jump operation event
InnerAudioContext.onStop Listen for audio stop events
InnerAudioContext.onTimeUpdate Listen to audio playback progress update events
InnerAudioContext.onWaiting Listening for events in audio loading
InnerAudioContext.pause Pause play Jump to the specified location
InnerAudioContext.stop stop

# MediaAudioPlayer

Name Function explaination
MediaAudioPlayer.addAudioSource Add audio source
MediaAudioPlayer.destroy Destroy Player
MediaAudioPlayer.removeAudioSource Remove audio sources
MediaAudioPlayer.start Start Player
MediaAudioPlayer.stop Stop the player

# WebAudioContext

Name Function explaination
WebAudioContext.close Close Web Audio Context
WebAudioContext.createBiquadFilter Create a BiquadFilterNode
WebAudioContext.createBuffer Create an AudioBuffer that represents a short audio segment that resides in memory
WebAudioContext.createBufferSource Create a BufferSourceNode instance to play the audio data through the AudioBuffer object
WebAudioContext.createChannelMerger Create a Channel MergerNode
WebAudioContext.createChannelSplitter Create a Channel Splitter Node
WebAudioContext.createConstantSource Create a ConstantSourceNode
WebAudioContext.createDelay Create a DelayNode
WebAudioContext.createDynamicsCompressor Create a Dynamics CompressorNode
WebAudioContext.createGain Create a GainNode
WebAudioContext.createIIRFilter Create an IIR FilterNode
WebAudioContext.createOscillator Create an OscillatorNode
WebAudioContext.createPanner Create a PannerNode
WebAudioContext.createPeriodicWave Create a Periodic Wave Node
WebAudioContext.createScriptProcessor Create a ScriptProcessorNode
WebAudioContext.createWaveShaper Create a Wave ShaperNode
WebAudioContext.decodeAudioData Asynchronously decodes a resource for AudioBuffer
WebAudioContext.resume Synchronize recovery of a paused WebAudioContext context
WebAudioContext.suspend Synchronize Pause WebAudioContext Context
WebAudioContextNode A class of audio processing modules, different nodes have different functions, such as GainNode(Volume adjustment)etc.

# Background audio

Name Function explaination
wx.stopBackgroundAudio Stop playing music
wx.seekBackgroundAudio Control music playback progress
wx.playBackgroundAudio Play music with a background player
wx.pauseBackgroundAudio Pause Music
wx.onBackgroundAudioStop Listen to music stop event
wx.onBackgroundAudioPlay Listen to music playback event
wx.onBackgroundAudioPause Listening for music pause
wx.getBackgroundAudioPlayerState Get background music playback status
wx.getBackgroundAudioManager ObtainGlobally uniqueBackground Audio Manager

# BackgroundAudioManager

Name Function explaination
BackgroundAudioManager.onCanplay Listen for background audio to enter playable state event
BackgroundAudioManager.onEnded Monitor background audio natural playback end event
BackgroundAudioManager.onError Listen for background audio playback error events
BackgroundAudioManager.onNext Listen to the user click on the next song event in the system music play panel (iOS only)
BackgroundAudioManager.onPause Listen for background audio pause events
BackgroundAudioManager.onPlay Listen for background audio playback events
BackgroundAudioManager.onPrev Listen to the user click on the previous event in the system music player panel (iOS only)
BackgroundAudioManager.onSeeked Listen to background audio to complete jump operation event
BackgroundAudioManager.onSeeking Listen to background audio start jump operation event
BackgroundAudioManager.onStop Listen for background audio stop event
BackgroundAudioManager.onTimeUpdate Listen for background audio playback progress update event, only Mini Program will callback in the foreground
BackgroundAudioManager.onWaiting Listening for events in audio loading
BackgroundAudioManager.pause Pause the music Play music Jump to the specified location
BackgroundAudioManager.stop Stop the music

# Real-time audio and video

Name Function explaination
wx.createLivePusherContext create live-pusher context LivePusherContext object
wx.createLivePlayerContext create live-player context LivePlayerContext object

# LivePlayerContext

# LivePusherContext

Name Function explaination
LivePusherContext.pause Suspend push-off
LivePusherContext.pauseBGM Pause background
LivePusherContext.playBGM Play background music
LivePusherContext.resume Recovery push-off
LivePusherContext.resumeBGM Restore the background sound
LivePusherContext.sendMessage Send SEI message
LivePusherContext.setBGMVolume Set the background volume
LivePusherContext.setMICVolume Set microphone volume
LivePusherContext.snapshot snapshot
LivePusherContext.start Start pushing the flow while turning on camera preview
LivePusherContext.startPreview Open camera preview
LivePusherContext.stop Stop the push stream while stopping the camera preview
LivePusherContext.stopBGM Stop background
LivePusherContext.stopPreview Turn off camera preview
LivePusherContext.switchCamera Switch back and forth cameras
LivePusherContext.toggleTorch Switch flashlights

# Sound recording

Name Function explaination
wx.stopRecord Stop recording.
wx.startRecord Start recording.
wx.getRecorderManager ObtainGlobally uniqueRecording Manager RecorderManager

# RecorderManager

Name Function explaination
RecorderManager.onError Listen for recording error events
RecorderManager.onFrameRecorded Listens for file events that have finished recording the specified frame size
RecorderManager.onInterruptionBegin Listen recording interrupted by system occupation Start event
RecorderManager.onInterruptionEnd Listen Recording Interrupt End Event
RecorderManager.onPause Listen to Pause Event
RecorderManager.onResume Wiretaps continue the event
RecorderManager.onStart Start of listening recording
RecorderManager.onStop End of Listening Recording Event
RecorderManager.pause Pause recording
RecorderManager.resume Continue recording.
RecorderManager.start Start recording.
RecorderManager.stop Stop recording.

# camera

Name Function explaination
wx.createCameraContext create camera context CameraContext object

# CameraContext

Name Function explaination
CameraContext.onCameraFrame Obtain Camera Real-time frame data
CameraContext.setZoom Set Zoom Level
CameraContext.startRecord Start recording.
CameraContext.stopRecord End Video
CameraContext.takePhoto Taking photos

# CameraFrameListener

Name Function explaination
CameraFrameListener.start Start monitoring the frame data.
CameraFrameListener.stop Stop listening for frame data

# Rich text

Name Function explaination

# EditorContext

Name Function explaination
EditorContext.blur Editor out of focus while folding keyboard
EditorContext.clear Clear editor content
EditorContext.format Modify Style
EditorContext.getContents Get editor content
EditorContext.getSelectionText Gets the plain text content in the selected area of the editor
EditorContext.insertDivider Insert split line
EditorContext.insertImage Insert Picture
EditorContext.insertText Overwrite the current selection, set a text
EditorContext.redo restore
EditorContext.removeFormat Clear the style of the current selection
EditorContext.scrollIntoView Scrolls the editor cursor into the viewable area of the window
EditorContext.setContents Initializes editor content, only delta takes effect when html and delta exist together
EditorContext.undo Revoke

# Audio and video synthesis

Name Function explaination
wx.createMediaContainer Create an audio and video processing container that will eventually combine the tracks in the container into a video

# MediaContainer

Name Function explaination
MediaContainer.addTrack Add an audio or video track to the container
MediaContainer.destroy Destroy containers, release resources
MediaContainer.export Merge tracks in container and export video files
MediaContainer.extractDataSource Detach the incoming video from the track
MediaContainer.removeTrack Remove an audio or video track from a container
MediaTrack Can be passed MediaContainer.extractDataSource return

# Real-time speech

Name Function explaination
wx.updateVoIPChatMuteConfig Update live voice mute settings
wx.subscribeVoIPVideoMembers Subscription video screen member
wx.onVoIPVideoMembersChanged Monitor real-time voice call member video state change event
wx.onVoIPChatStateChanged Monitor room state change events
wx.onVoIPChatSpeakersChanged Monitor real-time voice call member call status change event
wx.onVoIPChatMembersChanged Monitor real-time voice call member online status change event
wx.onVoIPChatInterrupted Listen for passive disconnection of real-time voice call event
wx.offVoIPVideoMembersChanged Unmonitor real-time voice call member video status change event
wx.offVoIPChatStateChanged Cancel monitoring of room state changes
wx.offVoIPChatMembersChanged Unmonitor real-time voice call member online status change event
wx.offVoIPChatInterrupted Cancel Listening Passive Disconnect Real-time Voice Call Event
wx.joinVoIPChat join (create) Live voice calls, more info visible Real-time voice guide
wx.exitVoIPChat Exit (destroy) live voice calls

# Picture recorder

Name Function explaination
wx.createMediaRecorder create WebGL Picture recorder, which can be recorded frame by frame in WebGL And export the video file.

# MediaRecorder

Name Function explaination
MediaRecorder.destroy Destruction recorder Cancel listening recording events
MediaRecorder.on Register callback for listening to recorded events
MediaRecorder.pause Pause recording
MediaRecorder.requestFrame Requesting the next frame recording, after callback Start recording the current frame after finishing the render
MediaRecorder.resume Resume recording
MediaRecorder.start Start recording.
MediaRecorder.stop End recording

# Video decoder

Name Function explaination
wx.createVideoDecoder Create a video decoder, frame by frame access to decoded data

# VideoDecoder

Name Function explaination
VideoDecoder.getFrameData Get the decoded data for the next frame Cancel listening recording events
VideoDecoder.on Register callback for listening to recorded events
VideoDecoder.remove Remove decoder Jump to a point in time to decode
VideoDecoder.start Start decoding.
VideoDecoder.stop Stop decoding.

# position

Name Function explaination
wx.stopLocationUpdate Close monitoring real-time position changes, both the front and the back stop receiving messages
wx.startLocationUpdateBackground Open the Mini Program before the background are receiving location messages, you need to guide the user to open[To grant authorization]((open-ability/authorize#Background positioning))
wx.startLocationUpdate Open Mini Programs to receive location messages when entering reception
wx.openLocation Check your location using WeChat's built-in map
wx.onLocationChangeError Triggered when the listening persistent location interface returns failure
wx.onLocationChange Monitor real-time geo-location change events in conjunction with wx.startLocationUpdateBackgroundwx.startLocationUpdateUse
wx.offLocationChangeError Triggered when unlistening persistent location interface returns failure
wx.offLocationChange Cancel listening for live geo-change events
wx.getLocation Get current location, speed
wx.choosePoi Open the map to choose the location, support fuzzy positioning (accurate to the city) and accurate positioning mixed election
wx.chooseLocation Open the map and select the location

# file

Name Function explaination
wx.saveFileToDisk Save file system files to the user disk, only in the PC End support
wx.saveFile Save files locally
wx.removeSavedFile Delete local cache file
wx.openDocument New page opens document
wx.getSavedFileList Gets a list of local cache files saved under the Mini Program
wx.getSavedFileInfo Get file information for local files
wx.getFileSystemManager Get the globally unique file manager
wx.getFileInfo Get File Information

# FileSystemManager

Name Function explaination
FileSystemManager.access Judgment file/Directory exists
FileSystemManager.accessSync FileSystemManager.access The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.appendFile Append content at the end of the file
FileSystemManager.appendFileSync FileSystemManager.appendFile The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.close Close file
FileSystemManager.closeSync Synchronize Close Files
FileSystemManager.copyFile Copy file
FileSystemManager.copyFileSync FileSystemManager.copyFile The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.fstat Get status information for files
FileSystemManager.fstatSync Synchronize access to file status information
FileSystemManager.ftruncate Truncate file contents
FileSystemManager.ftruncateSync Truncate file contents
FileSystemManager.getFileInfo Under the Mini Program Local temporary file or Local cache file information
FileSystemManager.getSavedFileList Gets a list of local cache files saved under the Mini Program
FileSystemManager.mkdir Create a directory
FileSystemManager.mkdirSync FileSystemManager.mkdir The synchronous version of Open the file and return the file descriptor
FileSystemManager.openSync Open file synchronously, return file descriptor Read Files
FileSystemManager.readdir Read list of files in a directory
FileSystemManager.readdirSync FileSystemManager.readdir The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.readFile Read local file content
FileSystemManager.readFileSync FileSystemManager.readFile The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.readSync Read Files
FileSystemManager.readZipEntry Read the files in the archive
FileSystemManager.removeSavedFile Delete the saved local cache file under the Mini Program
FileSystemManager.rename Rename file
FileSystemManager.renameSync FileSystemManager.rename The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.rmdir Delete directory
FileSystemManager.rmdirSync FileSystemManager.rmdir The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.saveFile Save temporary files locally
FileSystemManager.saveFileSync FileSystemManager.saveFile The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.state Get Files Stats object
FileSystemManager.statSync FileSystemManager.state The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.truncate Truncate file contents
FileSystemManager.truncateSync Truncate file contents (truncate The synchronous version of)
FileSystemManager.unlink Delete file
FileSystemManager.unlinkSync FileSystemManager.unlink The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.unzip Decompress file
FileSystemManager.write Write file
FileSystemManager.writeFile Write file
FileSystemManager.writeFileSync FileSystemManager.writeFile The synchronous version of
FileSystemManager.writeSync Synchronous write file
ReadResult File Read Results

# Stats

Name Function explaination
Stats.isDirectory Determines if the current file is a directory
Stats.isFile Determines if the current file is a normal file
WriteResult File write result

# Open interface

# log in

Name Function explaination
wx.login Call the interface to get the login credentials
wx.checkSession Check if the login status is expired

# Account information

Name Function explaination
wx.getAccountInfoSync Get current account information

# User Information

Name Function explaination
wx.getUserProfile Access to user information
wx.getUserInfo Access to user information
UserInfo User Information

# To grant authorization

Name Function explaination
wx.authorizeForMiniProgram This interface can only be called in a Mini Program plug-inUse the same as wx.authorize
wx.authorize Initiate authorization requests to users in advance

# Set up

Name Function explaination
wx.openSetting Set up the client Mini Program settings interface, return the results of user settings
wx.getSetting Get the user's current settings
AuthSetting User authorization settings information, refer toJurisdiction
SubscriptionsSetting Subscribe message settings

# Receiving address

Name Function explaination
wx.chooseAddress Get user receipt address

# Card coupon

Name Function explaination
wx.openCard Check the card coupon in the WeChat card package
wx.addCard Batch Add Card Coupons

# invoice

Name Function explaination
wx.chooseInvoiceTitle Select the user's invoice header
wx.chooseInvoice Select an invoice the user already has

# Biometric authentication

Name Function explaination
wx.startSoterAuthentication start SOTER Biometric authentication
wx.checkIsSupportSoterAuthentication Gets the natively supported SOTER Biometric authentication method
wx.checkIsSoterEnrolledInDevice Interface to obtain whether biometric information such as fingerprints is recorded in the device

# WeChat Movement

Name Function explaination
wx.shareToWeRun Share data with WeChat campaign
wx.getWeRunData Get the user's WeChat movement steps in the past 30 days

# Subscription message

Name Function explaination
wx.requestSubscribeMessage Call up the client Mini Program subscription message interface and return the result of user subscription message

# WeChat red envelopes

Name Function explaination
wx.showRedPackage Pull h5 to receive the red envelope cover page

# Collection

Name Function explaination
wx.addVideoToFavorites Collection video
wx.addFileToFavorites Collection of documents

# license plate

Name Function explaination
wx.chooseLicensePlate Select the license plate.

# Video Number

Name Function explaination
wx.reserveChannelsLive Reservation Video Number
wx.openChannelsLive Open the video number live
wx.openChannelsActivity Open Video Number
wx.getChannelsLiveNoticeInfo Get video number live preview information
wx.getChannelsLiveInfo Get Video Number Live Streaming

# WeChat group

Name Function explaination
wx.getGroupEnterInfo Access to WeChat group chat scenario of Mini Program startup information

# WeChat customer service

Name Function explaination
wx.openCustomerServiceChat Open the WeChat customer service

# equipment

# Bluetooth - Universal

Name Function explaination
wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery Stop searching for nearby Bluetooth peripherals.
wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery Start searching for nearby Bluetooth peripherals.
wx.openBluetoothAdapter Initializing Bluetooth Module
wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound Listen for events that search for new devices
wx.onBluetoothAdapterStateChange Monitor Bluetooth Adapter State Change Event
wx.offBluetoothDeviceFound Cancel listening for events that find new devices
wx.offBluetoothAdapterStateChange Unlisten for Bluetooth adapter state change events
wx.makeBluetoothPair Bluetooth pairing interface, Android only
wx.getConnectedBluetoothDevices According to Master Service UUID Get connected Bluetooth devices
wx.getBluetoothDevices Get all searched Bluetooth devices during Bluetooth module active
wx.getBluetoothAdapterState Get the status of the native Bluetooth adapter
wx.closeBluetoothAdapter Turn off the bluetooth module

# Bluetooth-Low-Power Central Device

Name Function explaination
wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue Writing Binary Data to Bluetooth Low Power Device Eigenvalues
wx.setBLEMTU Negotiating Bluetooth Low Power Maximum Transmission Unit (Maximum Transmission Unit, MAN)
wx.readBLECharacteristicValue Reading Binary Data of Characteristic Value of Bluetooth Low Power Device
wx.onBLEConnectionStateChange Monitor Bluetooth Low Power Connection State Change Event
wx.onBLECharacteristicValueChange Monitor Eigenvalue Change Events of Bluetooth Low Power Devices
wx.offBLEConnectionStateChange Cancel listening for Bluetooth low energy connection state change events
wx.offBLECharacteristicValueChange Cancel monitoring of eigenvalue change events for Bluetooth low-power devices
wx.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange Enables a Bluetooth low-power device when its eigenvalue changes notify Features, subscription features
wx.getBLEDeviceServices Get all Bluetooth Low Power Device Services (service)
wx.getBLEDeviceRSSI Get the signal strength of a Bluetooth low-power device (Received Signal Strength Indication, RSSI)
wx.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics Get all the features of a service on a Bluetooth low-power device (characteristic)
wx.createBLEConnection Connect to a Bluetooth low-power device
wx.closeBLEConnection Disconnect from a Bluetooth low energy device

# Bluetooth - low power peripheral

Name Function explaination
wx.onBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged Listen for the current peripheral device connection or disconnection event
wx.offBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChanged Unlistens for current peripheral connection or disconnection events
wx.createBLEPeripheralServer Set up local server as Bluetooth low-power peripheral device, can create multiple

# BLEPeripheralServer

Name Function explaination
BLEPeripheralServer.addService Add services
BLEPeripheralServer.close Close the current server
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicReadRequest Cancels listening for connected device requests to read current peripheral device eigenvalue events
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicSubscribed Unsubscribe from listening feature
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicUnsubscribed Unlistening Uncharacteristic Subscription Event
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicWriteRequest Unlisten for connected device requests to write current peripheral feature events
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicReadRequest Listen to connected device request read current peripheral device eigenvalue event
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicSubscribed Listen for feature subscription events, only iOS Support
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicUnsubscribed Listen to uncharacteristic subscription events, only iOS Support
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicWriteRequest Listen to connected device request write current peripheral device eigenvalue event
BLEPeripheralServer.removeService Remove Service
BLEPeripheralServer.startAdvertising Start broadcasting locally created peripherals
BLEPeripheralServer.stopAdvertising Stop broadcasting
BLEPeripheralServer.writeCharacteristicValue Writes a binary data value to the specified feature and notifies the connected host that the slave's characteristic value has changed, and the interface handles whether to walk back to the packet or to the subscription

# Bluetooth-Beacons(Beacon)

Name Function explaination
wx.stopBeaconDiscovery Stop searching the area. Beacon equipment
wx.startBeaconDiscovery Start searching nearby. Beacon equipment
wx.onBeaconUpdate to monitor Beacon Device update event, only one listener can be registered
wx.onBeaconServiceChange to monitor Beacon Service state change events, only one listener can be registered
wx.offBeaconUpdate Cancel the wiretap. Beacon Device Update Event
wx.offBeaconServiceChange Cancel the wiretap. Beacon Service State Change Event
wx.getBeacons Gets all searched Beacon equipment
BeaconInfo Beacon equipment


Name Function explaination
wx.stopHCE Stop NFC Modular
wx.startHCE Initialization NFC Modular
wx.sendHCEMessage send NFC news
wx.onHCEMessage Listening reception NFC Device message event, can register only one listener
wx.offHCEMessage receive NFC Device Message Event, Cancel Event Monitoring
wx.getNFCAdapter Obtain NFC Example
wx.getHCEState Determines whether the current device supports HCE ability

# IsoDep

Name Function explaination
IsoDep.close Disconnection
IsoDep.connect Connect NFC label
IsoDep.getHistoricalBytes Get reset information
IsoDep.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
IsoDep.isConnected Check if you are connected
IsoDep.setTimeout Set timeout
IsoDep.transceive Sending data

# MifareClassic

Name Function explaination
MifareClassic.close Disconnection
MifareClassic.connect Connect NFC label
MifareClassic.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
MifareClassic.isConnected Check if you are connected
MifareClassic.setTimeout Set timeout
MifareClassic.transceive Sending data

# MifareUltralight

Name Function explaination
MifareUltralight.close Disconnection
MifareUltralight.connect Connect NFC label
MifareUltralight.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
MifareUltralight.isConnected Check if you are connected
MifareUltralight.setTimeout Set timeout
MifareUltralight.transceive Sending data

# Ndef

Name Function explaination
Ndef.close Disconnection
Ndef.connect Connection NFC label
Ndef.isConnected Check if you are connected
Ndef.offNdefMessage Cancel the wiretap. Ndef news
Ndef.onNdefMessage to monitor Ndef news
Ndef.setTimeout Set timeout
Ndef.writeNdefMessage Rewrite Ndef Tag content

# NfcA

Name Function explaination
NfcA.close Disconnection
NfcA.connect Connect NFC label
NfcA.getAtqa Get ATQA information
NfcA.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
NfcA.getSak Get SAK information
NfcA.isConnected Check if you are connected
NfcA.setTimeout Set timeout
NfcA.transceive Sending data

# NFCAdapter

Name Function explaination
NFCAdapter.getIsoDep Get the IsoDep instance, which supports ISO-DEP (ISO 14443-4)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getMifareClassic Get a Mifare Classic instance that supports MIFARE Reading and Writing of Classic Tags
NFCAdapter.getMifareUltralight Get the Mifare Ultra instance, which supports MIFARE Read and write of Ultimate tag
NFCAdapter.getNdef Gets an instance of Ndef that supports reading and writing NDF data on NFC tags in NDEV format
NFCAdapter.getNfcA Get an instance of NfcA, and the instance supports NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcB Get an NfcB instance that supports NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcF Get the NfcF instance, which supports NFC-F (HE 6319-4)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcV Get an instance of NfcV, which supports NFC-V (ISO 15693)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.offDiscovered Cancel the wiretap. NFC Day
NFCAdapter.onDiscovered to monitor NFC Day

# NfcB

Name Function explaination
NfcB.close Disconnection
NfcB.connect Connect NFC label
NfcB.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
NfcB.isConnected Check if you are connected
NfcB.setTimeout Set timeout
NfcB.transceive Sending data

# NfcF

Name Function explaination
NfcF.close Disconnection
NfcF.connect Connect NFC label
NfcF.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
NfcF.isConnected Check if you are connected
NfcF.setTimeout Set timeout
NfcF.transceive Sending data

# NfcV

Name Function explaination
NfcV.close Disconnection
NfcV.connect Connect NFC label
NfcV.getMaxTransceiveLength Get the maximum transmission length
NfcV.isConnected Check if you are connected
NfcV.setTimeout Set timeout
NfcV.transceive Sending data

# Wi-Fi

Name Function explaination
wx.stopWifi Stop Wi-Fi Modular
wx.startWifi Initialization Wi-Fi Modular
wx.setWifiList Set up wifiList in AP Relevant information
wx.onWifiConnected Listen on the connection. Wi-Fi The incident.
wx.onGetWifiList Listen to get Wi-Fi List data event
wx.offWifiConnected Untap the connection. Wi-Fi The incident.
wx.offGetWifiList Cancel the wiretap and get Wi-Fi List data event
wx.getWifiList Request access Wi-Fi list
wx.getConnectedWifi In the connected Wi-Fi information
wx.connectWifi Connect Wi-Fi
WifiInfo Wifi information

# calendar

Name Function explaination
wx.addPhoneRepeatCalendar Add Recurring Events to the System Calendar
wx.addPhoneCalendar Add events to the system calendar

# Contacts

Name Function explaination
wx.chooseContact Pull up your phone's address book and select your contacts
wx.addPhoneContact Add a phone contact

# Accessibility

Name Function explaination
wx.checkIsOpenAccessibility Detection of whether visual accessibility is enabled

# Electric quantity

Name Function explaination
wx.getBatteryInfoSync wx.getBatteryInfo The synchronous version of
wx.getBatteryInfo Get Device Power

# clipboard

Name Function explaination
wx.setClipboardData Setting the contents of the system clipboard
wx.getClipboardData Get the contents of the system clipboard

# network

Name Function explaination
wx.onNetworkStatusChange Monitor Network State Change Event
wx.offNetworkStatusChange Cancel monitoring of network state change events. If the parameter is null, cancel all event monitoring
wx.getNetworkType Get network type

# encryption

Name Function explaination
wx.getRandomValues Get cryptographic secure random numbers

# screen

Name Function explaination
wx.setScreenBrightness Set Screen Brightness
wx.setKeepScreenOn Set to Remain Always Bright
wx.onUserCaptureScreen Monitor user active screen capture event
wx.offUserCaptureScreen User Active Screenshot Event
wx.getScreenBrightness Get screen brightness

# keyboard

Name Function explaination
wx.onKeyboardHeightChange Monitor keyboard height changes
wx.offKeyboardHeightChange Unlisten for keyboard height change events
wx.hideKeyboard After input, textarea, etc., focus pulls up the keyboard, manually invoke this interface to close the keyboard
wx.getSelectedTextRange After input, text area, and so on, get the cursor position of the input box

# telephone

Name Function explaination
wx.makePhoneCall Make a call

# Accelerometer

Name Function explaination
wx.stopAccelerometer Stop monitoring the acceleration data.
wx.startAccelerometer Start listening for acceleration data.
wx.onAccelerometerChange Listening for acceleration data events
wx.offAccelerometerChange Cancel monitoring of the acceleration data event, parameter is null, cancel all event monitoring

# Luopan

Name Function explaination
wx.stopCompass Stop listening to compass data.
wx.startCompass Start monitoring compass data.
wx.onCompassChange Monitor compass data change events
wx.offCompassChange Cancel listening for compass data change events. If the parameter is empty, cancel all event monitoring

# Equipment direction

Name Function explaination
wx.stopDeviceMotionListening Stop listening for changes in direction
wx.startDeviceMotionListening Start listening for changes in device orientation.
wx.onDeviceMotionChange Monitor device direction change event
wx.offDeviceMotionChange Cancel listening device direction change event, the parameter is empty, then cancel all the event listening

# gyroscope

Name Function explaination
wx.stopGyroscope Stop monitoring the gyroscope data.
wx.startGyroscope Start listening for gyro data.
wx.onGyroscopeChange Monitoring gyro data change events
wx.offGyroscopeChange Cancel monitoring of gyro data change events

# Memory

Name Function explaination
wx.onMemoryWarning Listening for Out of Memory Alert Events
wx.offMemoryWarning Unlisten for out-of-memory alarm events

# Scan code

Name Function explaination
wx.scanCode Set up the client scan interface to scan the code

# vibration

Name Function explaination
wx.vibrateShort Make the mobile phone vibrate for a short time (15 ms)
wx.vibrateLong Make the phone vibrate for a longer time (400 ms)

# AI

# Visual algorithm

Name Function explaination
wx.createVKSession create vision kit Session object
HitTestRes Test result object

# VKCamera

Name Function explaination
VKCamera.getProjectionMatrix Get projection matrix
VKConfig Session configuration

# VKFrame

Name Function explaination
VKFrame.getCameraTexture Gets the current frame texture, currently only supports YUV texture
VKFrame.getDisplayTransform Get the texture adjustment matrix
VKFrameSize Camera size

# VKSession

Name Function explaination
VKSession.cancelAnimationFrame Cancel by requestAnimationFrame Animation Frame Request Added to Schedule
VKSession.destroy Destroy session
VKSession.getVKFrame Get the frame object, each call will trigger a frame analysis process
VKSession.hitTest Touch detection is currently supported only in a single plane that is hitTest After generating a plane, the following hitTest No more planes are generated, but are detected based on the previously generated planes) Unlisten session event
VKSession.on Listening session event
VKSession.requestAnimationFrame Execution on the next redraw
VKSession.start Opening Session
VKSession.stop Stop the session
YUVTextureRes Frame texture object

# Face recognition

Name Function explaination
wx.stopFaceDetect Stop face recognition
wx.initFaceDetect Initializing face recognition
wx.faceDetect Face recognition, you need to pass wx.initFaceDetect Once initialized, frame data returned using the camera interface is recommended

# Worker

Name Function explaination
wx.createWorker Create a Worker Thread

# Worker

Name Function explaination
Worker.onMessage Monitor main thread/Worker Event of message sent by thread to current thread
Worker.onProcessKilled to monitor Worker thread recycling event (when iOS system resources are tight, the worker thread may be recycled by the system, developers can listen to this event and re-create a worker)
Worker.postMessage Main thread/Worker Message sent by thread
Worker.terminate End current Worker Thread


Name Function explaination
wx.createSelectorQuery Returns a SelectorQuery Object instance
wx.createIntersectionObserver Creates and returns a IntersectionObserver Object instance

# IntersectionObserver

Name Function explaination
IntersectionObserver.disconnect Stop listening.
IntersectionObserver.observe Specify the target node and start listening for changes in the intersection state
IntersectionObserver.relativeTo Use a selector to specify a node as one of the reference areas
IntersectionObserver.relativeToViewport Specify the page display area as one of the reference areas

# MediaQueryObserver

Name Function explaination
MediaQueryObserver.disconnect Stop listening.
MediaQueryObserver.observe Start listening to page media query Changes

# NodesRef

Name Function explaination
NodesRef.boundingClientRect Query request to add layout location of node
NodesRef.context Add node Context Object query request
NodesRef.fields Get information about nodes
NodesRef.node Obtain Node Node instance
NodesRef.scrollOffset Add node scrolling location query request

# SelectorQuery

Name Function explaination
SelectorQuery.exec Execute all requests Change the selection of a selector to a custom component component within Select the first match selector under the current page selector Node
SelectorQuery.selectAll Select the match selector under the current page selector All nodes
SelectorQuery.selectViewport Select display area

# Third party platform

Name Function explaination
wx.getExtConfigSync wx.getExtConfig The synchronous version of
wx.getExtConfig ObtainThird party platformCustom data fields

# Advertising

Name Function explaination
wx.createRewardedVideoAd Create Incentive Video Advertising Components
wx.createInterstitialAd Create Splash Advertising Component

# InterstitialAd

Name Function explaination
InterstitialAd.destroy Examples of Destroying Screen Ads
InterstitialAd.load Load Screen Ads
InterstitialAd.offClose Cancel Listen Clip Ad Close Event
InterstitialAd.offError Cancel Monitor Plugin Error Event
InterstitialAd.offLoad Cancel Monitor Plugin Loading Event
InterstitialAd.onClose Listen to Plug Ad Closure Event
InterstitialAd.onError Monitor Plugin Error Event
InterstitialAd.onLoad Monitor Plugin Ads Loading Event Display Splice Ad

# RewardedVideoAd

Name Function explaination
RewardedVideoAd.destroy Destruction of incentive video advertising example
RewardedVideoAd.load Load Incentive Video Ads
RewardedVideoAd.offClose Cancel listening for user clicks Turn off advertising Button event
RewardedVideoAd.offError Unlisten Incentive Video Error Event
RewardedVideoAd.offLoad Unlisten Incentive Video Ad Loading Event
RewardedVideoAd.onClose Listening user clicks Turn off advertising Button event
RewardedVideoAd.onError Monitor Incentive Video Error Event
RewardedVideoAd.onLoad Listen to incentive video ads load events Display motivational video ads