# Resource workflow

Game asset (asset) refers to the static files in a series of game projects, such as models, materials, pictures, audio, binary, etc. collectively. It also includes some resources defined by the mini game, such as game scenes, RenderTexture, physical materials, animation state machines, etc. It can also be used to express some data required by the tool, such as layout information, novice guidance data, etc. Finally, it also includes the user's script, which is a very special resource.

The entire resource process includes: Import, create, build, upload, download, use

-Import, support for importing art resources into mini game content, including 3D models, pictures, audio, etc. -The process of creating and developing the game based on the content just imported. -Build, change the content needed for the game into a state suitable for publishing to users. -Upload, upload the build results to WeChat for review and release, and you can also put part of the game content on the cloud. -Download, the game content will be downloaded to the player's mobile phone by the mini game package, or through the cloud CDN. -Use, the mini game framework loads the downloaded resources to generate game examples.

When the game is running, these files will be loaded into the game from the outside according to the steps of download → read → deserialize → target resource.

# Common resource types

The mini game itself defines a variety of resource types:

Type Description
Scene Scene
Prefab Prefab
Texture2D 2d texture
Atlaspac Mini Game Built-in Atlas Descriptor
Atlas Mini game built-in atlas resources
Tplist texture Packer atlas
TextureCube Cube Texture
RenderTexture Renderable texture
SpriteFrame Sprite Frame
Mesh Mesh
Material Material
Physicmaterial Physical Material
Effect Special Effects
Font Font
BitmapFont Bitmap Font
AnimationClip Animation Clip
AnimatorController Animation State Machine
Avatar Bones
Avatarmask Bone Skin
Variant Variant of shader code. Contains vertex code and fragment code. When the shader is used in rendering, the shader code will be compiled into a shader object and participate in the rendering. The user does not understand under the asset directory.
AudioClip Audio Resources
AudioMixer Audio Mixing Resources
Playable TimeLine Resources
Scriptableasset Custom Assets
Raw Pure files. It is not understood by the resource system, but is a custom resource for the game. For example, the configuration table of game levels.
Script .js file. When loaded, it will be executed via the require() method.
Layout Tool Layout Resources
UiKit UI Control Resources
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