# Renderer module

# Overview

Renderer (rendering module), used to set the parameters related to particle rendering, such as RenderMode, RenderAlignment, etc.


# Property description

Property Function Type
renderMode Rendering mode. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode
    BillBoard The particles always face the camera. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode.Billboard
    StretchedBillBoard Particles face the camera with the velocity direction as a fixed axis, and the size is affected by the following two zoom variables. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode.StretchedBillboard
        speedScale Stretch the particles in proportion to their speed. number
        lengthScale Stretch the particle in proportion to its current size along its velocity. Setting it to 0 will cause the particles to disappear. number
    HorizontalBillboard The particle plane is parallel to the ground (XZ plane). engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode.HorizontalBillboard
    VerticalBillboard The particles face the camera with the Y axis as a fixed axis. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode.VerticalBillboard
    Mesh Particles use 3D Mesh to construct vertices and render. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderMode.Mesh
renderAlignment Determines the orientation of the Billboard particles. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderAlignment
    View Face the camera plane. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderAlignment.View
    World Align with the world axis. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderAlignment.World
    Local Align with the transform of the Entity. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderAlignment.Local
    Facing Face the camera. engine.Particle.ParticleRenderer.RenderAlignment.Facing