# UIToggle, UIToggleGroup components

# Overview

UIToggle is a radio button for simple state switching, and it needs to be used with TouchInputComponent.

UIToggleGroup is a UIToggle manager, used to adjust the state of other UIToggle when the state of any child UIToggle in the group changes.


# Static attribute description

ToggleState: UIToggle state enumeration value

enum ToggleState {

# UIToggle Property Description

Property name Type Default value Description
allowSwitchOff boolean true Whether to allow deactivation.
isChecked boolean false Is it active?
target Renderable2D undefined Rendering components affected by UIToggle activation
toggleGroup UIToggleGroup undefined UIToggleGroup associated with UIToggle
index number -1 The index located in ToggleGroup, or -1 if there is no corresponding ToggleGroup

# UIToggle method description

Method Parameters Return Value Function
getState <ToggleState> Return the current UIToggle state
setState <ToggleState> Void Set UIToggle state, which will affect isChecked

# UIToggleGroup Property Description

Property name Type Default value Description
allowSwitchOff boolean false Whether the UIToggle under the UIToggleGroup is allowed to be deactivated.
toggleList Array<UIToggle> [] Read-only attribute, UIToggle array controlled by UIToggleGroup.
deafaultActiveToggle UIToggle undefined UIToggle in the UIToggleGroup that is activated by default.

# UIToggleGroup method description

Method Parameters Return Value Function
getActiveToggle <UIToggle / null> Toggle that returns the current ToggleGroup activation state
setIndex <index: number> <boolean> According to index, activate Toggle in ToggleGroup and return whether activation is successful
checkedChange <toggle: UIToggle> Void Deactivate other toggles in the ToggleGroup except toggle
addToggle <toggle: UIToggle> Void Add UIToggle to the current UIToggleGroup
removeToggle <toggle: UIToggle> Void Delete UIToggle from current UIToggleGroup

# Notice

  1. If UIToggle is no Target specified, it will default to the first child node of the node where the Toggle is located that has a rendering component as the target of state switching, and the default state is display.
  2. OnTouchEnter will set the isChecked of the current component to true.
  3. The UIToggle state change will trigger the onStateChange(isChecked: Booleen, state: ToggleState) of all components of the current node.