# UIButton button component

# Overview

UIButton implements touch-based button functions.

# Instructions

The general button component depends on a UISprite component and a TouchInputComponent component.

var uiSpriteComponent = entity.addComponent(engine.UISprite);
var uiTouchInputComponent = entity.addComponent(engine.TouchInputComponent);
var uiButtonComponent = entity.addComponent(engine.UIButton);

# Component properties

Property name Type Default value Description
normalColor engine.Color (Synchronize with UISprite) Normal state color
pressedColor engine.Color engine.Color.WHITE Pressed state color
disabledColor engine.Color engine.Color.WHITE disabled state color
transition number 0 animation transition time
normalSprite engine.SpriteFrame (Synchronize with UISprite) Normal state image resource
pressedSprite engine.SpriteFrame null Pressed state image resource
disabledSprite engine.SpriteFrame null Disabled state image resource

# method

setState(state: ButtonState, animation: boolean = true, forceUpdate: boolean = false)