# LineRenderer Line renderer

The line segment renderer component requires an array of two or more points in three-dimensional space. You can use the line segment renderer to draw anything, from a simple line segment to a complex spiral.

# In the IDE

To create in the IDE, you only need to select a node in the scene or Prefab and add it in the Inspector:

# Create with code

LineRenderer is a rendering component, so it needs to be mounted on a non-rendering node.

const line = entity.addComponent(engine.LineRenderer);

# Attributes

Property name Type Default value Description
positions engine.Vector3[] [] Array of vertices forming the line segment
startWidth number 1 Starting position width
endWidth number 1 End position width
startColor engine.Color engine.Color.WHITE Start position color
endColor engine.Color engine.Color.WHITE color at the end
alignment LineAlignment LineAlignment.View Currently only the patch is always facing the camera
    View - engine.LineRenderer.LineAlignment.View Facing the camera plane.
    Local - engine.LineRenderer.LineAlignment.Local Align with the transform of the Entity.
useWorldSpace boolean true positions is the position in world coordinates

# method

getPosition(index: number): engine.Vector3 Get the position of the index vertex.

setPosition(index: number, position: Vector3): boolean Set the position information of index in the array.