# Scene value

Start from base library version 1.1.0. Please remaining backward compatible.

The scene value is used to describe the path that the user enters the applet. Please refer to [Scene Value List] (../../reference/scene-list.md) for the meaning of the complete scene value.

Due to the limitations of the Android system, it is currently impossible to obtain the scene value of pressing the Home button to exit to the desktop, and then entering the applet again from the desktop. In this case, the last scene value will be retained.

# Get the scene value

Developers can obtain scene values ​​in the following ways:

-For small programs, you can get the above scene values ​​in the onLaunch and onShow of App, or wx.getLaunchOptionsSync. -For small games, you can get the above scene values ​​in wx.getLaunchOptionsSync and wx.onShow

# Return source information scene

Under some scene values, the appId of the source application, official account, or applet can also be obtained. Please refer to the reference document of the corresponding API for the obtaining method.

Scene value Scene appId meaning
1020 List of Mini Programs on the Official Account profile page Source Official Account
1035 Official Account Custom Menu Source Official Account
1036 App Share Message Card Source App
1037 Mini Program Open Mini Program Source Mini Program
1038 Return from another applet Source applet
1043 Official Account Template Message Source Official Account