Supports for JavaScript
Operation Limits
For security reasons, JS code cannot be dynamically executed in Mini Programs. In other words:
- JS code cannot be executed via
. - No functions can be created with
new Function
Supports for Client ES6 API
Weixin Mini Programs support most ES6 APIs as listed below (some APIs are subject to OS versions):
String | iOS10 | Android |
codePointAt | | |
normalize | ✘ | ✘ |
includes | | |
startsWith | | |
endsWith | | |
repeat | | |
String.fromCodePoint | | |
Array | iOS10 | Android |
copyWithin | | |
find | | |
findIndex | | |
fill | | |
entries | | |
keys | | |
values | | ✘ |
includes | | |
Array.from | | |
Array.of | | |
Number | iOS10 | Android |
isFinite | | |
isNaN | | |
parseInt | | |
parseFloat | | |
isInteger | | |
isSafeInteger | | |
Math | iOS10 | Android |
trunc | | |
sign | | |
cbrt | | |
clz32 | | |
imul | | |
fround | | |
hypot | | |
expm1 | | |
log1p | | |
log10 | | |
log2 | | |
sinh | | |
cosh | | |
tanh | | |
asinh | | |
acosh | | |
atanh | | |
Object | iOS10 | Android |
is | | |
assign | | |
getOwnPropertyDescriptor | | |
keys | | |
getOwnPropertyNames | | |
getOwnPropertySymbols | | |
Other | iOS10 | Android |
Symbol | | |
Set | | |
Map | | |
Proxy | | ✘ |
Reflect | | |
Promise | | |