# Illumination overview

In order to make the rendering more realistic, lighting needs to be added to the scene. Lighting can produce shadows. In addition to real-time shadows, there are also light maps that can be pre-calculated. In addition, fog effects and sky boxes can also bring realism to a higher level.

# Light source

The currently supported real-time light types are DirectionalLight (parallel light), PointLight (point light source) and SpotLight (spot light). For details, please refer to Light Source Module.

# Shadow

Based on performance considerations, currently only supports real-time shadows from one parallel light source, see Shadow Module for details.

# Lightmap

Light mapping is a technology that can obtain realistic light and shadow effects at a small cost. The small game framework supports the rendering of light mapping. For the baking and generation of lightmaps, please refer to the Conversion Scheme chapter.

# Sky box

The sky box is a very efficient way to enhance the expressiveness of the scene. It draws the background before rendering the scene to create a sense of depth in the scene. See Skybox Overview for details.

# Fog effect

It is often used to simulate the fog in the outdoor environment, which greatly improves the realism of the scene, see fog effect for details.
