# Get app sdk orders

# Interface call request specification

Http request method: POST
https://api.weixin.qq.com/shop/order/get_appsdk_order?access_Token = xxxxxxxxx

# Request parameters

    "ext_Appid': "xiaohongshu",
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 10

# Return Package Example

    "errcode": 0,
    "total_in a": 2,
            "sdk_order_id": 123455,
            "out_order_id": 'xxxxx';
            "status": 20,
            "path": "/pages/order.html?out_order_id=xxxxx", 
            "order_detail " :
                "product_Infos ":
                        "product_id": 234245,
                        "out_product_id": "12345",
                        "sku_id": 23424,
                        "product_cnt": 10,
                        "sale_price": 100
                "pay_info":         // Payorder is active_type! = 6 exists
                    "pay_method": "WeChat Pay"
                    "prepay_id": "42526234625",
                    "prepay_time": "2020-03-25 14:04:25",
                    "transaction_id": "131456479687",   // Adjusted the results of the synchronization order payment and action_Type = 1 only exists
                    "pay_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25"   // Adjusted the results of the synchronization order payment and action_Type = 1 only exists
                "multi_pay_info":   // Payorder is active_Exists when type = 6
                        "pay_method": "WeChat Pay"
                        "prepay_id": "42526234625",
                        "prepay_time": "2020-03-25 14:04:25",
                        "transaction_id": "131456479687",   // Adjusted the results of the synchronization order payment and action_Type = 1 only exists
                        "pay_time": "2020-03-25 14:05:25"   // Adjusted the results of the synchronization order payment and action_Type = 1 only exists
                    "freight": 500,
                    "discounted_price": 10000,
                    "additional_price": 100,
                    "additional_remarks": "Taxes and fees"
                "delivery_detail " :      // This field must be adjusted to the shipping interface
                    "delivery_type": 1,
                    "finish_all_delivery": 1,
                            "waybill_id": "SFXXXX",
                            "delivery_id": "SF"

# Request Parameter Dxplaination

parameter type Required Required Introductions
ext_appid string yes External Application ID
page number yes Page x, greater than or equal to 1
page_size number yes Orders per page, max. 100

# Return parameter specification

parameter type Introductions
Errcode number Error code
errmsg string Error message
total_A number Total number of eligible orders
order_list[].out_order_id string Merchant Custom Order ID
order_list[].status number Order Status
order_list[].path string The page path of the order, for the micro-channel side order center jump
order_list[].ext_info.ext_useruin string Business user id
order_list[].ext_info.ext_appid string sdk appid
order_list[].ext_info.ext_order_id string Confused order_id
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].product_id number Trading Component Internal Product ID
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].out_product_id string Custom Product ID
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].sku_id number Trading component platform internal skuID, can be filled in 0 if the product_No sku under id.
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].out_sku_id string Merchant custom product skuID, fill-in string if the product_No sku under id.
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].product_cnt number Number of purchases
order_list[].order_detail.product_infos[].sale_price number The selling price (unit: points) of the item at the time of generating this order may not match the price of the uploaded item interface
order_list[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_method string Payment method (currently only "WeChat Pay")
order_list[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_id string Pre-payment ID
order_list[].order_detail.pay_info.prepay_time string Prepayment Time (get prepay)_Time (id)
order_list[].order_detail.pay_info.transaction_id string Payment ID
order_list[].order_detail.pay_info.pay_time string Payment time (get the transaction)_Time (id)
order_list[].order_detail.multi_pay_info[].pay_method string Payment method (currently only "WeChat Pay")
order_list[].order_detail.multi_pay_info[].prepay_id string Pre-payment ID
order_list[].order_detail.multi_pay_info[].prepay_time string Prepayment Time (get prepay)_Time (id)
order_list[].order_detail.multi_pay_info[].transaction_id string Payment ID
order_list[].order_detail.multi_pay_info[].pay_time string Payment time (get the transaction)_Time (id)
order_list[].order_detail.price_info.freight number Freight (in cents)
order_list[].order_detail.price_info.discounted_price number Preferential amount (unit: points)
order_list[].order_detail.price_info.additional_price number Additional amount (in cents)
order_list[].order_detail.price_info.additional_remarks string Additional Amount Remarks
order_list[].order_detail.delivery_detail.delivery_type number Delivery Type
order_list[].order_detail.delivery_detail.finish_all_delivery number Whether shipment is complete
order_list[].order_detail.delivery_detail.delivery_list[].delivery_id string Express company ID, obtained by getting the list of express companies
order_list[].order_detail.delivery_detail.delivery_list[].waybill_id string Tracking number

# Enumerate - status

Enumeration value describe
10 Outstanding
20 Awaiting shipment
30 Pending receipt
100 complete
200 After the sale of all goods, the order is cancelled
250 User active cancellation/Outstanding Time Out Cancellation/Business cancellation