# Access Guidelines

The full access to the custom version of the transaction component requires the following four steps:

# Part 1: Applying for Access

# 1.1 Request access

Register the mini program on WeChat Official Platform, fill in the information and submit the relevant materials according to the guidelines, complete the registration process, if you have a mini program, you can use it directly. Go toRegister Mini Program

inWeChat Public PlatformLog in the Mini Program, select the custom version of the transaction components, and apply for the opening function, enter the audit process. Businesses can also request access by calling the interface to open the function.

After the application is approved, the Mini Program developer needs to invoke the custom version of the component interface, which contains:

  • a. Product-related interfaces: add goods, modify goods, goods on the shelves, goods off the shelf, goods update, etc.
  • b. Order-related interfaces: generating orders and tickets, order status synchronization, order acquisition, etc.
  • c. Aptitude related interface: brand aptitude upload, category qualification upload, product qualification upload etc.
  • d. Logistics and after-sales interface: logistics information synchronization, after-sales single generation, after-sales situation synchronization, etc.
  • and. Event callback interface: for receiving product audit, category audit, brand audit results synchronization, etc.

# Part 2: Completing Custom Transaction Component Access

# 2.1 Business code development

By the business to use the development tools for development, or to the service market to purchase service providers on behalf of the development services.

# 2.2 Upload goods, apply category/Brand qualification

Call firstAdd commodity interfaceUpload the goods, the status of each product will be notified to the merchant side. (Be sure to access the goodsAudit callback interface

It should be noted that products need to apply for category or brand qualification in advance, please seeAdd commodity interfaceDetailed explaination of

# 2.3 Synchronize orders, debug payment checkout

# 2.3.1 Pull the cash register simultaneously with the order

# Mini Program is developing branch process app.json Add the following parameter settings (this parameter is only valid for the development environment, after the code is released the parameter is invalid, that is, the official version of the Mini Program whether to open payment checksum is only relevant to the MP flag position)

"usingShopPlugin": true

Developer to pull up Mini Program WeChat pay checkout jsapi to replace

Replace wx.requestPayment withwx.requestOrderPayment parameterorderInfoFormat PleaseJump to view

        timeStamp: '',
        nonceStr: '',
        package: '',
        signType: 'MD5',
        paySign: '',
        orderInfo: {...}, // Need to add order information
        success (nothing) { },
        fail (nothing) { }

callSynchronous Order InterfaceNote that the order checks that the item in the order exists and that its status is on the shelf

After the call is successful, you get a ticket to pay for the checksum, which is in the base libraryrequestPaymentEnter the ticket field to pull up the cashier normally

        timeStamp: '',
        nonceStr: '',
        package: '',
        signType: 'MD5',
        paySign: '',
        ticket: '', // Need to add ticket information
        success (nothing) { },
        fail (nothing) { }

# 2.3.2 Order Status Synchronization

callSynchronous Order Payment Result InterfaceSynchronization Payment Success Result

# 2.3.3 Synchronize after-sales information

Development of this need to produce after-sales orders after-sales information circulation, synchronization, if there is no after-sales, then do not need. callSynchronous after-sales interfaceSynchronous after-sales

# 2.4 Publish code to take effect on the online environment

After completing the interface docking and product upload, submit the code to the WeChat team for audit, after the audit can be released, at this time the payment verification officially takes effect

# Part 3: Complete Scene Access

# 3.1 Request Scenario Access

Go to the WeChat Official Platform, enter the "transaction component">"Scene access" menu, view and select the scene that needs access, WeChat official default all scenes are access. You can also view the access situation of each scene through the API.

At the same time, developers canCheck if the scene value is within the payment checksum rangeInterface queries which scenarios need to call the interface to complete the order.

# 3.2 Follow the guidelines to access the scene

After the scene can be accessed, it is accessed according to the requirements of different scenes. Such asVideo Number Access Guidelines

# Part 4: Scene Sale

# 4.1-4.5

The user is in a checkout sale scenario seeCheck if the scene value is within the payment checksum rangeWhen placing an order, the merchant needs to call the interface completed above to complete the order generation and status synchronization, otherwise it will not be able to pull up the cashier to complete payment.

# Exit Custom Trading Component Logic

# Exit process and logic

# Mini Program in branch process Remove a page json

"usingShopPlugin": true