# Business domain
Base library 1.6.4 Start support, low version needs to do Compatible processing 。
A container that hosts a web page. Will automatically spread the entire Mini Program page, small games and personal types of Mini programs are not supported. client 6.7.2 Version begins, navigationStyle: custom Yes web-view Component invalid It cannot be used in Mini programs.
In order to facilitate the flexibility of developers to configure Mini programs, now open Mini Program embedded web capabilities.
# Use Process
# 1. Configure the business domain name in the administration background
Developers log in to the Mini Program background mp.weixin.qq.com, select Development Management ->Development Settings ->Business Domain Name, click Add, configure business domain name as required. At present, the ability of the Mini Program to embed web pages is not open to personal type accounts and small game accounts.

# 2. Call web-view component to realize web page embedded by Mini Program
The web-view component can be used only after the business domain has been successfully configured in the Mini Program management background. Mini Program calls web-view components to achieve embedded web pages, only part of the current support jsapi capabilities, specific instructions on the use of web-view interface and restrictions, please Click to view
# Limitation Dxplaination
Each Mini Program account supports the configuration of up to 300 domain names
Each domain name supports Mini programs that bind up to 100 principals
Domain name only supports https protocol, does not support IP address
The business domain name needs to be filed by ICP, and the new domain name needs to be configured after 24 hours.
Domain name format only supports English upper and lower case letters, numbers and "- ”
After configuring the business domain name, you can open any legitimate subdomain name