# Plug-in user privacy protection instructions content

The Plug-in User Privacy Statement includes the following sections, where the specific instructions are examples only.

# Plugin Basic Information

Includes plug-in name, plug-in provider name.

  Plugin Name: Customer Service Assistant
  Plug-in provider name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited

# Information handled by the plug-in

Developers need to declare the user information processed in this section, WeChat will display the required items according to the privacy interface call of the plug-in version, and developers can check other items independently.

  - The developer collects the photo or video information you selected and uses it to send a picture or video-type chat in a customer service session.
  - In order to send voice-type chats, the developer will access your microphone with your express consent.

The relationship between the privacy interface and the corresponding processing information is as follows:

Information processed Interface or Component
Collect your nickname, avatar < button open-type="chooseAvatar"&gt, < input type="nickname">, < functional-page-navigator name="loginAndGetUserInfo"&gt、wx.getUserInfo (Recovered)
Collect your location information wx.authorizeForMiniProgram({scope:'scope.userLocation'})、wx.getLocation、wx.startLocationUpdate、wx.getFuzzyLocation
Collect location information of your choice wx.choosePoi、wx.chooseLocation
Collect your address wx.chooseAddress
Collect your invoice information wx.chooseInvoiceTitle、wx.chooseInvoice
Collect your selected photos or videos wx.chooseImage、wx.chooseMedia、wx.chooseVideo
Access Your Microphone wx.authorizeForMiniProgram({scope: 'scope.record'})、wx.startRecord、RecorderManager.start、&ltlive-pusher&gt、wx.joinVoIPChat
Access to your camera wx.authorizeForMiniProgram({scope: 'scope.camera'})、wx.createVKSession、&ltcamera&gt, < live-pusher&gt, < voip-room&gt
Access Your Bluetooth wx.openBluetoothAdapter、wx.createBLEPeripheralServer
Use your album (write only) permissions wx.authorizeForMiniProgram({scope: 'scope.writePhotosAlbum'})、wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum、wx.saveVideoToPhotosAlbum
Use your address book (write only) permissions wx.addPhoneContact