# Scoring method

There are currently 27 rules for experience scoring, divided into three categories: performance, experience, best practices, Meet the rules required score (100 points), otherwise no score (0 points). Finally, according to the rules weight and formula to calculate the total score.

A rule with a weight of 0, indicating that the rule does not participate in scoring and is only used as a prompt item. Developers can click Ignore in Developer Tools.

The scoring conditions for each rule may also be adjusted with the version of the Mini Program.

# The weights are as follows

classification rule weight
performance Script execution time 7
First screen time 6
Render time 6
SetData Call Frequency 6
SetData data size 6
Number of WXML nodes 6
Request time-consuming 5
Number of network requests 5
Number of picture requests 5
PictureCache 4
Image size 4
Network Request Cache 2
experience Turn on inertia rolling 8
Avoid using:activePseudo-class to implement click-state 8
Keep the picture size ratio 4
Response area for clickable elements 3
iPhone X compatible 3
Window Change Fit 3
Reasonable color match 0
Best practices Avoid JS exceptions 3
Avoiding Network Request Exceptions 3
Deprecated interface 2
Using HTTPS 1
Avoid setData data redundancy 1
Minimum base library version 0
Remove inaccessible pages 0
WXSS usage 0
Timely recovery timer 0

# Rules Dxplaination

For a detailed explaination of the rules, refer to the following documents: