# void setCustomBtnText(String btnText)

If you need the WeChat receiver to do other actions in the call page, the plugin provides a button to customize the text.Only the WeChat client can answer the call, and show the custom button after the call starts.

A half-screen container containing developer-defined content will pop up when the button is clicked.Mini Program custom componentsThe form provided.

# parameter

# String btnText

Button copywriting

# Return value


# Set what appears after the button is clicked

in app.json Plugin configuration in Generic Implementation Field into the path of the custom componentcall-page-pluginand custombox For a fixed value).

  "plugins": {
    "wmpf-voip":  {
      "version": "latest",
      "provider": "wxf830863afde621eb",
      "genericsImplementation": {
        "call-page-plugin": {
          "custombox": "path/to/customComponents" // Custom Component Path to Display

# sample code

const wmpfVoip = requirePlugin('wmpf-voip' ).default
wmpfVoip.setCustomBtnText('Go open the door. ')
The translations are provided by WeChat Translation and are for reference only. In case of any inconsistency and discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.Incorrect translation. Tap to report.