# Performance panel

From WeChat 6.5.8 To begin with, we provide a performance panel to let developers know how Mini Programs perform. Developers can open the Performance Panel under the Development Version Mini Program. Open the Method: Enter the Development Version Mini Program, enter the More button in the upper right corner, clickDisplay Performance Window。


# Performance Panel Indicator Dxplaination

index Introductions
CPU The Mini Program process CPU Occupancy rate, only Android Provided under
Memory The memory footprint of the Mini Program process (Total Pss), only Android Provided under
Startup time Total Time to Start Mini Program
Download time Small package download time, the first time to open or resource pack needs to be updated will be downloaded
Page switching time Mini Program page switching time
frame rate/FPS
First rendering time Time taken for the first rendering of the page
Rendering time again The time it takes for the page to render again (usually determined by the developer's setData Operation Trigger)
Data cache Mini Program through Storage Cache size stored by interface