# Receiving Messages and Events

Use <button open-type="contact" /> in the page to display the customer service session button.

When a user sends a message in a customer service session, or when an event is pushed due to certain operations performed by the user, the Weixin server will send the data package of the message or event to the URL configured by the developer. After receiving the request, the developer can respond to the request asynchronously via the Send Customer Service Messages API.

The followings are the structures of JSON and XML data packages via which various types of messages are pushed.

# Text Messages

The following data package is generated when the user sends text messages in a customer service session:

# In XML format

   <Content><![CDATA[this is a test]]></Content>

# In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "toUser",
  "FromUserName": "fromUser",
  "CreateTime": 1482048670,
  "MsgType": "text",
  "Content": "this is a test",
  "MsgId": 1234567890123456

# Parameters

Parameter Description
ToUserName Mini Program's original ID
FromUserName Sender's openid
CreateTime Creation time of the message (integral)
MsgType text
Content Text message content
MsgId Message ID (64-bit integer)

# Image Messages

The following data package is generated when the user sends image messages in a customer service session:

# In XML format

      <PicUrl><![CDATA[this is a url]]></PicUrl>

# In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "toUser",
  "FromUserName": "fromUser",
  "CreateTime": 1482048670,
  "MsgType": "image",
  "PicUrl": "this is a url",
  "MediaId": "media_id",
  "MsgId": 1234567890123456

# Parameters

Parameter Description
ToUserName Mini Program's original ID
FromUserName Sender's openid
CreateTime Creation time of the message (integral)
MsgType image
PicUrl Image link (generated by the system)
MediaId Media ID of the image message. Data can be fetched by calling the Get Temporary Media API.
MsgId Message ID (64-bit integer)

# Mini Program Card Messages

The following data package is generated when the user sends Mini Program card messages in a customer service session:

# In XML format


# In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "toUser",
  "FromUserName": "fromUser",
  "CreateTime": 1482048670,
  "MsgType": "miniprogrampage",
  "MsgId": 1234567890123456,

# Parameters

Parameter Description
ToUserName Mini Program's original ID
FromUserName Sender's openid
CreateTime Creation time of the message (integral)
MsgType miniprogrampage
MsgId Message ID (64-bit integer)
Title Title
AppId Mini Program's appid
PagePath Mini Program's page path
ThumbUrl Temporary CDN link of the cover image
ThumbMediaId Temporary media ID of the cover image

# Event of Entering Session

The following data package is generated when the user enters a customer service session by tapping the "customer service session button" in the Mini Program:

# In XML format


# In JSON format

  "ToUserName": "toUser",
  "FromUserName": "fromUser",
  "CreateTime": 1482048670,
  "MsgType": "event",
  "Event": "user_enter_tempsession",
  "SessionFrom": "sessionFrom"

# Parameters

Parameter Description
ToUserName Mini Program's original ID
FromUserName Sender's openid
CreateTime Creation time of the event (integral)
MsgType event
Event Event type, user_enter_tempsession
SessionFrom The session-from property set by the developer in the customer service session button.