# Open half screen Mini Program

From the base library 2.20.1 Start support

When a Mini Program needs to open another Mini Program for the user to perform a quick operation, the Mini Program to be opened will jump in the form of a half-screen.


# Call process

# Open half screen Mini Program

  1. 2.23.1 The following versions of the base library, developers need to configure globallyapp.jsonofembeddedAppIdListField declaration requires a half-screen jump Mini Program, if not configured will be switched to the ordinary Mini Program jump Mini Program.2.23.1 and above no configuration required

Configuration Example:

  "embeddedAppIdList": ["wxe5f52902cf4de896" ]
  1. Developers by calling[wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram ]((wx.openEmbeddedMiniProgram ))Half screen jump Mini Program.

# Half-screen Mini Program Environment Judgment

Developers can do this by callingwx.getEnterOptionsSyncto readapiCategoryParameter, the value of theembeddedAt this time, it can be judged that the Mini Program is half open.

# Return to the original Mini Program

The Mini Program that is opened by half screen can be opened by calling[wx.navigateBackMiniProgram ]((wx.navigateBackMiniProgram ))Return to the previous Mini Program.

# Use of the Site

The use process has the following restrictions, if you do not meet all the following conditions will be automatically switched to an ordinary Mini Program jump Mini Program, does not affect the user's use:

  1. The Mini Program that is jumped by the half-screen needs to be called through the application of the source Mini Program, and the developer can download the application in the Mini Program management backgroundSet up-Third Party Settings-Half-screen Mini Program managementSection to initiate the application, you can apply for up to 10 Mini programs
  2. 2.23.1 version of the following base library, the Mini Program that is opened by half screen needs to be opened inapp.jsonofembeddedAppIdListStatement in field
  3. The current Mini Program needs to be vertical
  4. The Mini Program that is jumped by the half-screen needs to be a non-personal subject Mini Program (excluding small games).